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Please note that if you got linked to this page as your goal, you are not allowed to use a different card.

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About The Wind Waker Randomizer Bingo

When using randomizer version 1.10.0, here is an example permalink for the bingo settings: MS4xMC4wAEEAFwMCAAOgnhccsABCSAAAAgsMKQAG


  • Some goals require visiting locations that are not in logic!
  • Dungeon Chests include all chests in DRC, FW, TotG, FF, ET, WT, Hyrule, or Ganon's Tower. Dungeon locations that are not chests are NOT included.
  • Bosses include Gohma, Kalle Demos, Gohdan, Helmaroc King, Jalhalla, Molgera, and Puppet Ganon.
  • Miniboss Chests include the chests from the minibosses in DRC, FW, TotG, ET, and WT, and Phantom Ganon in FF.
  • Dungeon Warp Pots include both the standard dungeon warp pots and the warp pots between dungeons. This includes the warp pots in Puppet Ganon's chamber, but NOT the warp pots in Diamond Steppe Island. The warp pot must teleport you in order to be counted, and exiting a warp pot does NOT count as entering it.
  • Chests in Secret Caves include any chest inside a cave on the Secret Cave chart, as well as Cliff Plateau Isles - Highest Isle.
  • Island Chests include all chests EXCEPT those in dungeons, Hyrule, secret caves, lookout platforms, rafts, submarines, Ghost Ship, or underwater chests.
  • Minigames include Barrel Shooting at Spectacle Island, Baito at Dragon Roost Island, and Flight Control Platform. Other locations, such as Battlesquid, the auction, and the Pirate Ship, are NOT included.
  • Great Fairies include the 5 Fairy Islands, the Great Fairy at Outset Island, and the Two-Eye Reef Big Octo Great Fairy.
  • Using the Command Melody includes controlling a statue in TotG, Medli in ET, or Makar in WT.
  • Korok Trees do not necessarily need to be watered with the same forest water.
  • For goals that require you to collect X of multiple items, you need to collect X items in total, NOT X of each. (For example, "Collect 8 Maps and Compasses" requires you to collect 8 total Maps and Compasses, NOT 8 Maps and 8 Compasses.)
  • For goals that require you to do something X times, you cannot simply do the same thing multiple times. (For example, "Talk to 4 Old Man Ho Hos" requires you to talk to 4 different Ho Hos, and "Enter 9 Warp Pots" requires you to enter 9 different warp pots.)

Co-op Rules:

  • All goals are shared between both players. (For example, to complete "Enter 12 Dungeon Warp Pots", one player may enter 8 warp pots while the other player enters 4 warp pots.)
  • For goals that require you to do something X times, if both players do the same thing, it is only counted once. (For example, if one player defeats Gohma and Kalle Demos and the second player defeats Kalle Demos and Jalhalla, it is not enough to complete "Defeat 4 Bosses". This is because the players have only defeated 3 unique bosses.)
  • For goals that require you to collect unique items (such as Dungeon Maps or Blue Chu Jelly), if both players collect the same item, it is only counted once. (For example, if both players collect the Blue Chu Jelly from Overlook Island, they have only collected 1 Blue Chu Jelly in total.)
  • For goals that require you to collect non-unique items (such as Golden Feathers or Green Chu Jelly), there are no restrictions on players collecting the same item multiple times. (For example, to complete "Collect 5 Red Chu Jelly", each player may collect 3 Red Chu Jelly from the same enemy.)

Playing on Bingosync:

  1. Create a room on under the "Custom (Advanced)" game with the "SRL v5" variant.
  2. Copy and paste the JSON array of goals from here.